FERC pipeline news
New Mountain Valley Pipeline to begin operations
The FERC has authorised the 303 mile long Mountain Valley Pipeline to begin operations, moving up to 2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas.
FERC approves US-Mexico natural gas pipe expansion
TC Energy's North Baja Pipeline receives permission from regulators to put expansion into service.
Tellurian project receives FERC certificate
FERC issues certificate granting authorisation for Driftwood Pipeline.
FERC issues transmission NOPR
FERC takes steps to improve regional transmission planning and cost allocation of certain types of transmission with a NOPR.
FERC seeks comment on oil pipeline capacity allocation practices
FERC is exploring the issue of oil pipeline capacity allocation problems that can arise when irregular events or factors affect demand for oil pipeline capacity.
FERC updates policies to guide natural gas project certifications
FERC has issued two policy statements, providing guidance for future consideration of natural gas projects by the Commission.
FERC establishes hearing in proceeding on proposed Rover pipeline penalty
FERC establishes a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge to address whether Rover Pipeline, LLC and parent company Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. violated the Commission’s regulations.
FERC Chairman discusses pipeline reliability in house subcommittee
FERC Chairman appeared before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy to highlight the need for mandatory pipeline reliability standards.
FERC establishes Office of Public Participation
FERC plans to establish OPP to assist members of the public to learn more about, and participate in, FERC proceedings.
Federal appeals court tosses out FERC approval for Spire STL Pipeline
Court rejects FERC acceptance of affiliate contract as evidence of public need.