ON DEMAND - Through real-world international case studies and valuable customer feedback, this webinar will explore examples of Discovery’s applications and help you gain an insight into how operators are leveraging this technology to their advantage.
ON DEMAND - This webinar from Dairyland Electrical Industries reviews the various types of isolation joints typical on a pipeline and explain why it is important to apply over-voltage protection on isolation joints.
ON DEMAND - Now that PI ProcessBook is headed toward extinction, many process manufacturers are faced with the challenge of replacing the tools they’ve depended on for years. But how to go about replacing critical trends and displays? In this webinar, dataPARC provides tips for evaluating ProcessBook alternatives, and presents some of the best options available today.
ON DEMAND - This webinar will discuss real world examples where temporary isolation tools and mechanical repair solutions have been deployed subsea to ensure efficient repair, tie-in and modification of pressurised pipelines.
ON DEMAND - In this presentation Denso, Inc. will cover when and where 2-part liquid epoxies are used in the pipeline construction and maintenance process. They will also cover the different application methods depending on the situation and the proper application procedure of each individual method.
ON DEMAND - This webinar will provide a brief overview of the mechanisms of AC interference on pipelines, common methods employed for AC voltage mitigation, and a brief description of solid-state decouplers and their operation.
ON DEMAND - In this webinar, Dairyland Senior Business Development Leader, Jay Warner, will examine the basic function of decouplers and over-voltage protection devices and explain how they should be used in conjunction with cathodic protection systems to obtain optimal corrosion and safety protection.
ON DEMAND - An introduction to Baker Hughes’ new onshore RTP – ‘Python Pipe’, a portfolio of API 15s qualified reinforced thermoplastic pipes, and a discussion of the many advantages the new technology introduces to pipeline projects including upstream, water transport, CCUS and others.
ON DEMAND - This webinar will discuss solutions to help gathering pipeline operators improve pipeline integrity while reducing overall ILI program costs.
ON DEMAND - This webinar will explore the practical applications of the Tracerco™ Discovery™ technology in the real world. We will provide examples, including actual imagery, case studies, and project statements of work (SoW).