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NEB set for an overhaul

Published by , Assistant Editor
World Pipelines,

The Government of Canada has highlighted modernising the National Energy Board (NEB) as a priority to help ensure that the country’s resources are developed responsibly. This modernisation procedure is part of the Government’s review of Canada's environmental assessment and regulatory processes, announced in June 2016. The Government aims to build a new system that is fair and robust, respects the rights of Indigenous peoples, based on scientific evidence and protects our environment for generations to come.

An expert panel reviewing the NEB has issued a report, which includes 26 recommendations and advice, to Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, Jim Carr. The report examined issues beyond environmental assessment, including the NEB’s structure, role and mandate, with a particular focus on growing the participation of the public and Indigenous peoples in regulatory reviews.

The Government of Canada is now accepting online comments about the report until 14 June. Meanwhile, over the next few months, the Government will review the expert panel’s report in depth along with other reports to inform the development of next steps.

The panel travelled to 10 cities to hear from Canadians (both in person and online), specifically seeking the views of Indigenous peoples. It heard presentations from close to 200 individuals, and over 1000 people attended the sessions in person. More than 200 detailed written submissions were provided to the panel online.

“I would like to thank the expert panel members for their time and energy, both in engaging people across the country and in compiling the report. I also thank the many Canadians who made their opinions known in person and online during this process. The information gathered will be key in deciding the best way to modernise the NEB,” Carr commented.

The expert review panel is comprised of David Besner, Wendy Grant-John, Brenda Kenny and co-chairs Hélène Lauzon and Gary Merasty.

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