Pipeline owners and operators are constantly looking to improve operational safety and reduce time and costs during pipeline maintenance and repair. STATS BISEP®, developed more than a decade ago, provides industry-first, leak-tight double block and bleed isolation technology for temporary line plugging, offering a leak-tight seal every time.
Traditionally, operators use multiple split tee fittings and lip seal line stopping equipment or temporarily suspend pipeline operation to allow for necessary repair or maintenance activities to take place safely.
The BISEP offers significant safety advantages over traditional line stop technologies and can be deployed through a single hot tap intervention while production is maintained through an integrated bypass, avoiding interruption to production and reducing costs, without compromising safety.
This webinar explains the hydraulic deployment and setting of the plugging head, seal testing and verification, while highlighting the key advantages of the BISEP. It is expected that attendees will be able to incorporate learnings from this webinar into their upcoming pipeline maintenance or repair projects and provide valuable options that avoid temporarily shutting down the pipeline.
It concludes with practical case studies where BISEPs have been deployed to isolate a section of pipeline while production continued through an integrated bypass through the BISEP housing. These successful projects negated shutting down production while ensuring the safety of personnel and the environment was maintained, providing significant efficiencies and cost savings.
With an extensive global track record, covering 3 in. to 54 in. and pressures from ambient up to 153 bar, the BISEP can cover the majority of pipeline and process plant applications whether your pipeline is located on an offshore platform, onshore or subsea. The BISEP is covered by DNVGL Type Approval, is DNVGL-RP-F113 compliant and meets the requirement for pipeline isolation.