IMCA and OCIMF to work together to improve OVID
Published by Elizabeth Corner,
Senior Editor
World Pipelines,
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) and the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) have agreed to establish a joint committee to review, share and progress developments of the Offshore Vessel Inspection Database (OVID) system.
The aim will be to improve the efficiency of the vessel assurance process by pooling the knowledge and expertise of oil companies and their marine contractors, while at the same time maintaining the highest standards of vessel assurance and risk management.
The joint committee will discuss and review various elements of the system on an ongoing basis, to ensure continuous improvement. Elements to be reviewed include the Offshore Vessel Particulars Questionnaire (OVPQ), the Offshore Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (OVIQ) and the Offshore Vessel Management and Self Assessment (OVMSA).
IMCA CEO Allen Leatt said: “We welcome this collaboration with OCIMF; it is an excellent example of both oil company and contractor organisations working together with a common goal of improving operating efficiencies and marine safety.”
OCIMF’s Director Andrew Cassels said: “We all know that the best results come from working together with a common vision. IMCA and OCIMF have a common vision for a safer and cleaner offshore sector that continually improves its performance. I am excited by this collaboration.”
IMCA represents the vast majority of offshore marine contractors and the associated supply chain in the world, with members from over 60 countries. It publishes an extensive technical library of guidance documents on operational good practice, safety promotional materials, timely information notes and safety flashes. Its members benefit from a technical structure comprising four main divisions covering offshore diving, marine, remote systems and ROVs, and offshore surveying.
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