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Transneft Diascan diagnostic device passes acceptance tests

Published by , Editor
World Pipelines,

Transneft Diascan accomplished the first stage of modernisation of its combined ultrasonic defectoscope. The diagnostic device has successfully passed acceptance tests and has been accepted for operation by the commission of Transneft.

Transneft Diascan diagnostic device passes acceptance tests

The combined ultrasonic defectoscope is targeted at diagnostics of pipelines with 40 in., 42 in. and 48 in. dia, using WM and CD ultrasonic measuring systems. As a result of the first stage of modernisation the following characteristics of this diagnostic complex have been improved:

  • The system resolving capacity is boosted by increasing the number of ultrasound WM detectors 1.6 times.
  • The minimum size of the detected defects of pipe wall of ‘scratch mark’ type is decreased 2.5 times breadthwise and 1.5 times depthwise.

The second stage of device modernisation includes the diagnostic complex upgrade by magnetic measuring MFL system; the completion of works is scheduled for February 2018.

Transneft is completing modernisation of combined devices targeted at diagnostics of pipelines with 40 in., 42 in. and 48 in. dia. with the defectoscope.

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