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Olympus release WeldSight Software

Published by , Editorial Assistant
World Pipelines,

Olympus’ release of its WeldSight™ companion PC software for the OmniScan™ X3 phased array flaw detector provides inspectors with powerful tools to push the boundaries of flaw characterisation and sizing. Compatible with conventional UT, phased array (PA) and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) acquired data, the software enables inspectors to perform thorough post-inspection analyses that comply with strict validation requirements of international standards.

Optimised Analysis Tools for Complex Weld Inspections

Experienced PAUT inspectors can perform advanced validation of indications using the software’s weld analysis tools. Inspectors will save time with powerful screening capabilities that cut down the need for cross validation. They can characterise and orient flaws faster, even in complex geometries, by merging distinct scan files and using multiple view options to examine the weld in detail from all sides.

WeldSight software is also equipped with an innovative geometry-based weld gate that generates a C-scan using data from inside the weld only. This as well as other exclusive post-inspection functionalities give inspectors the ability to fully exploit and fine-tune their OmniScan X3 acquired data to accurately pinpoint the areas of interest and precisely size and characterise flaws.

Flexible and Customisable

To enable inspectors to comply with the requirements of a specific procedure, application or code, the software’s scan data displays can be dragged and dropped to create a customised layout. Acquisition data integrity can also be validated and improved with the missing data statistics, editable gates, and encoder recalibration tools.

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