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May 2023

The May 2023 issue of World Pipelines includes a special section on pipeline design and operation in extreme environments. Also featured are technical articles on field joint coatings, pipeline steels, and safety and risk management for pipeline networks.

This month's front cover is brought to you by STATS Group.

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Consistent access management
Amit Pawar, VP of Consulting & Services, Xage Security, USA, charts a top pipeline operator’s journey to cyber harden and meet updated TSA security directives.

Never trust. Always verify.
Trevor Dearing, Director of Critical Infrastructure Solutions, Illumio, UK, advises how pipeline operators can stay ahead of mounting cyber threats.

Connecting the dots
Jim Francis, Vice President – SMS Consulting, ENTRUST Solutions Group, USA.

A pipeline journey across the Danube River
Camila Sanchez Prado, Horizontal Drilling International (HDI), France.

A game-changing solution
Mario Moreno P.Eng., Seal for Life Industries, Canada.

Easing fugitive emissions
Ariel Avitan, Co-founder and CCO, Percepto, USA.

Digitise then automate
Vicki Knott, CEO and Co-Founder, CruxOCM, USA.

Exploring specialised robotic equipment
Kristopher Kemper, Technical Services Consultant, Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), USA.

Lasting connections
Paul McShane, Managing Director, CRC Evans, UK.

Staying free-flowing
Darran Pledger, STATS Group, UK.

An economically superior material
Girish Babu Nounchi and Jayaraj Padayachiyar Govindan, Wood Plc, and Shankar Mohan, Worley.

On the edge of innovation
Leonardo Gravina, General Manager, SICIM, Italy.

Recognising young achievement
Recipients of the 2023 John Tiratsoo Award for Young Achievement, Cassandra K. Moody and Sarah Newton.

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