December 2009
The December issue features our annual round-up of international pipeline activity: a comprehensive breakdown of progress in the oil and gas pipeline industry in 2009. In addition, a keynote article analyses how the steels industry has fared in the recession; we look at using flare gas for firing compressors; Inline Services and Enduro Pipeline Services discuss pipeline pigging; and Metoc describes the role environment assessment plays in pipeline planning.
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Pipeline news
Pipeline news.
Global Report
Dr. Hooman Peimani rounds up a year’s worth of pipeline activity in our annual global report.
Tightening the girder
Gordon Cope, World Pipelines Correspondent, analyses the pipeline steel industry, asking how the recession has affected steel producers, and pipeline projects.
Breakthrough in bending
Fred Lysak, President and General Manager, CRC-Evans Pipeline Equipment, USA.
Progressive pigging
J.R. Morgan, Enduro Pipeline Services, USA.
Keep on moving
Dr. John Smart III, Inline Services Inc., USA.
Using flare for firing compressors
Pekka Laine, Wärtsilä Power Plants, Finland.
Acoustic application
Geir Instanes and Sindre Halse Kristiansen, ClampOn AS, Norway.
Making an environmental statement
Anna Morton, Metoc plc, UK.
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