Final five IMCA safety video and pocket cards available
Published by Elizabeth Corner,
Senior Editor
World Pipelines,
The final five videos and cards in the ‘Be prepared to work safely’ series are now available.
“There was very positive feedback to the first ten duo of videos and pocket cards and we are delighted to be able to launch the final five in the series in the knowledge that they will help to keep safety in the forefront of the minds of our members’ workforce,” explains Richard Benzie, IMCA’s Technical Director.
“The five latest videos cover hand/arm vibration, grinding wheel safety; protecting your eyes at work; electrical safety; and noise. The reaction to the initial ten videos and cards launched earlier in the year confirmed that the phrase “Are you prepared?” is key. It is a vital question that any worker, starting any task, should ask of him or herself. All feature the same blue animated character, which enables IMCA to publish safety promotional material with a common look and feel.
“The videos and cards are easy to understand and intended for use as part of a briefing session or toolbox talk, as well as by individuals. Both demonstrate that ‘less is more’. Words have been kept to a minimum and are limited to ‘dos and don’ts’ with advice (where relevant) about recommended action ‘before’, ‘during’ and ‘after’, and the eye-catching format is used for each card, including the use of stills from the videos.”
The videos are available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Indonesian, Italian, Latin American Spanish, Malay, Russian and Tagalog as well as in English, and are designed to appeal to a wide range of cultural backgrounds. IMCA member companies can download all videos and pocket cards, in any of the languages, for use within their organsiations.
IMCA, the international association represents the vast majority of offshore marine contractors and the associated supply chain in the world, with members from over 60 countries. It publishes an extensive technical library of guidance documents on operational good practice, safety promotional materials, timely information notes and safety flashes. Its members benefit from a technical structure comprising four main divisions covering Offshore Diving, Marine, Remote Systems and ROVs, and Offshore Surveying.
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