Cyberhawk and Azure Integrity leverage data visualisation software
Published by Sara Simper,
Editorial Assistant
World Pipelines,
Cyberhawk, a world leader in drone inspection services and data visualisation software, has entered an agreement with Australia-based Azure Integrity. The agreement combines Azure’s extensive drone capabilities, with Cyberhawk’s data visualisation software, to offer an end-to-end inspection solution for the power grid, construction, energy and mining industries across Australia and New Zealand.
Cyberhawk has developed cloud-based analytical software, called iHawk, which empowers asset owners and project managers to effectively assess the condition of critical infrastructure and monitor the progress of capital projects, by unlocking the power of drone data collection. As a specialist in aerial data acquisition, Azure Integrity will offer iHawk software to help their clients make sense of the drone data they’ve collected and support evidence-based decision-making.
iHawk is a fully enabled IoT solution which integrates with third-party sensors and APIs. Geospatial information, including images acquired from ground cameras, CCTV, drones, and autonomous technologies form data layers to provide asset owners with an unprecedented insight into the condition of energy infrastructure, and the progress of major capital projects.
The ability for iHawk to analyse datasets from multiple sources prevents data silos, and replaces partial information stored in disparate systems with a single software solution.
Barry McGinn, Sales Director - Capital Projects, Cyberhawk said: “We’re excited to be partnering with Azure Integrity to help iHawk become more established across Australia and New Zealand. Azure Integrity are recognised as specialists in data acquisition for asset digitisation and this capability complements our iHawk solution perfectly.”
Craig Macintosh, Chief Remote Pilot, Azure Integrity said: “iHawk fills the gap for Azure by providing our customers with a software solution that can manage the visual data for multiple assets on a single platform. iHawk offers our clients a more in-depth level of data visualisation and effective reporting capabilities that they’ve never experienced before.”
Azure Integrity is an ambitious start-up headquartered in southern Australia. Craig commented: “South Australia is regarded as a globally connected state of innovation and the location of our HQ allows us to tap into a thriving technology network to scale our operations across Australia and New Zealand with equal measure.
“The agreement with Cyberhawk helps to strengthen our business strategy and will play a key role in job creation, supporting STEM development and inspiring industries to adopt new technologies.”
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