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Medallion Pipeline Company, LLC launches non-binding open season for EPIC pipeline

Published by , Editorial Assistant
World Pipelines,

Medallion Pipeline Company, LLC (Medallion) has announced that it has launched a non-binding open season for its capacity that is leased on EPIC Crude Pipeline, LP’s crude oil pipeline system (EPIC Pipeline). The open season will start on 24 May, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time and will close on 25 June, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time.

Medallion leases 27 778 bpd of capacity from the Group 1 origin points on EPIC Pipeline, as defined in EPIC Pipeline’s rates and charges tariff filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for delivery to the Corpus Christi and Ingleside destination points. EPIC Pipeline provides Medallion’s shippers with access to downstream markets, including crude oil export facilities at the Port of Corpus Christi.

In July 2019, Medallion held an open season seeking commitments from shippers interested in shipping on Medallion’s capacity that is leased on EPIC Pipeline. In response to the July 2019 open season, Medallion executed a transportation services agreement with a third-party shipper. Recently, that transportation services agreement was terminated and the committed capacity on Medallion’s leased capacity on EPIC Pipeline has become available again.

Accordingly, Medallion is holding the current non-binding open season to gauge shipper interest in, and to potentially re-contract, the available leased capacity on EPIC Pipeline for the remaining term of the original 2019 transportation services agreement. The terms and conditions of the transportation services being offered are substantially similar to those applicable to the 2019 committed shipper.

Bona fide prospective shippers may obtain copies of the open season documents upon execution of a confidentiality agreement with Medallion by contacting the representative listed below. Prospective shippers must execute a confidentiality agreement prior to delivery of these documents.


Read the latest issue of World Pipelines magazine for pipeline news, project stories, industry insight and technical articles.

World Pipelines’ May 2021 issue

The May issue of World Pipelines includes a regional report on Canada’s oil and gas sector, as well as technical articles on integrity management software, leak detection, NDT, and project case studies. Don’t miss our feature on young pipeliners, in which World Pipelines’ Senior Editor Elizabeth Corner interviews the winners of the John Tiratsoo Award for Young Achievement, awarded by Young Pipeliners International, in partnership with PPIM.

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