Three geospatial events to form Geo Week
Published by Elizabeth Corner,
Senior Editor
World Pipelines,
International LIDAR mapping forum (ILMF), ASPRS Annual Conference, and MAPPS winter conference come together to form ‘Geo Week 2019’ taking place 25 - 31 January in Denver.
Previously, these three events took place separately throughout the year. By uniting these three events for the first time, geospatial professionals will be able to accomplish a year’s worth of geospatial business in just one week.
Lisa Murray, Group Director for Diversified Communications, expressed her excitement about the opportunity. “For years the geospatial community has asked us to collaborate with other events to bring industry members together for a powerful combination of education, technology innovation, and commercial exchange. In 2018 we took a giant step forward with the successful co-location between ILMF and the ASPRS Annual Conference. With the addition of MAPPS in 2019, Geo Week is the next step in the evolution toward a cohesive, vendor-neutral event for the entire geospatial community.”
Karen Schuckman, Programme Manager for ASPRS, expressed her excitement about the collaboration. “ASPRS is thrilled to be a founding partner, along with ILMF and MAPPS, of Geo Week. Over the past decade, we have seen more and more fragmentation in our industry in terms of conferences and events. The opportunity to come together in one place over one week restores the power of networking between newcomers and seasoned experts and between practitioners in many related disciplines. Geo Week promises to become the geospatial event of the year for those who are most passionate about mapping and remote sensing in all forms: space-based, airborne, and UAS.”
Brian Raber, President of MAPPS, added: “On behalf of the Board of Directors and industry leading firms of MAPPS, I am very excited to be an integral part of Geo Week. Co-locating our annual Winter Conference with ASPRS and ILMF clearly demonstrates that the new direction of MAPPS embraces creating unity in the geospatial community”. He continues, “The value proposition for attending Geo Week to the private, government and academic sectors is overwhelming by offering complimentary programs benefiting everyone.
Each of the three events will retain the distinct educational programs their respective attendees have come to rely upon for industry news and information as well as career development. Various conference pass options will be available to allow attendees to take part in any or all programing and activities. For more information regarding Geo Week, please click here.
Registration for 2019 International LiDAR Mapping Forum and ASPRS Annual Conference is now open. Event organisers recommend registering early for the best price and to avoid lines onsite. To register, please click here.
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