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NDT: First run success


Published by
World Pipelines,

As stated by NDT Global, pipeline inspections are never straight forward. Be it diameter changes or multiple bend combinations, there are a huge variety of potential hazards that must be considered in advance of in-line inspections.

To ensure that tools safely transverse a pipeline, NDT Global can create a simulated trial run of a pipeline in a controlled environment at a fully operational test yard. Here, there are the facilities, resources and know-how to design, construct and operate project-specific test pipelines, including test samples with artificial flaws to simulate metal loss, cracks and other anomalies. NDT understands that testing viability in a test yard is preferable to carrying out this critical activity on an active pipeline.

NDT Global aims to achieve 100% first run success. Test runs are one of the many tools we use to achieve this objective. Test trials have time and time again proven invaluable to pipeline operators throughout the globe and are an effective solution for ensuring the first run success of pipeline inspections.

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