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New pipeline inspection camera system from Electric Eel Mfg


Published by
World Pipelines,

The New Ecam ACE Pipeline Inspection Camera System with WiFi enables users to record video with their mobile device.

The WiFi transmitter sends a wireless signal to almost any handheld device. Then by using the custom downloaded APP the user can see video, record video or take snap shots. Once a video is recorded, the user can email it directly from the device or download it to a computer.

The system for quick inspection and location of a wide variety of pipeline problems while reducing cost by knowing exactly where the problem is before digging.

The Ecam ACE takes the guesswork out of jobs. Designed to inspect 3 – 10 in. lines, it features a 5.4 in. LCD monitor and a rugged stainless steel housed 1.68 in. color camera with sapphire lens.

The flexible camera spring navigates 3 in. P-traps. The system includes 200 ft of durable braided ½ in. diameter push rod, industry standard 512HZ sonde and a heavy-duty screen cover.

Edited from source by Elizabeth Corner