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Transneft Diascan releases new flaw defectoscope


Published by
World Pipelines,

Transneft Diascan’s new generation diagnostic complex ultrasonic flaw defectoscope 28-DKP.00-00.000, intended for multi-angle examination of 28 in./32 in. pipeline walls, is equipped with an ultrasonic measuring system, including CD and WM sensors.

It is the first time that CD type sensors, which have several angles of the ultrasonic signal input into the pipe wall, are used. The use of these sensors allows to obtain additional information about defects, both in the longitudinal and in the transverse directions, as well as in the welds.

As compared to the previous analogues, the diagnostic complex has improved resolution of the WM measuring system from 5 - 3 mm due to 1.5 times increased number of sensors.