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ANGA news updates


Published by
World Pipelines,

Trade Promotion Authority legislation

Frank J. Macchiarola, Executive Vice President of Government Affairs, America's Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA), released the following statement on the passage of the Trade Promotion Authority legislation:

"ANGA applauds Congress on the bipartisan passage of Trade Promotion Authority. This much needed measure is a win for the American economy. This legislation will enable the US to more effectively negotiate trade agreements with our allies and will create American jobs and lower our trade deficit. The United States is a leader in energy production, and this legislation will help us to export a portion of our nation's abundant and clean natural gas to new markets abroad and make America more energy secure."

Long term natural gas contracts

Macchiarola also commented on the Louisiana Public Service Commission's (LPSC) decision to set up a pilot programme establishing guidelines that encourage and enable flexible long term natural gas contracts:

"We commend the Louisiana Public Service Commission on its decision to set up a pilot programme establishing guidelines that encourage and enable flexible long term natural gas arrangements for power companies. By allowing electricity generators to enter into long term contracts, utilities, natural gas producers and particularly customers can enjoy greater price stability and predictability, as well as enhanced supply security.

"We urge other public service commissions to follow Louisiana's lead to examine the benefits long term gas contracts can deliver to states all across the country. Abundant and affordable natural gas is ready to play a critical role in power generation by creating greater fuel diversity, maintaining electric system reliability and powering a cleaner energy future."

Adapted from press release by Rosalie Starling