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Energy infrastructure and security


World Pipelines,

The API has said it strongly supports H.R. 3301, the North American Energy Infrastructure Act, which would modernise and reform the approval process for cross border energy projects. Bob Greco, API Downstream Group Director has commented that the US needs to fix the broken permitting process for approving energy projects to put an end to unjustified delays of much needed pipelines.

The API has also thanked US Representatives Fred Upton and Gene Green for their leadership in trying to implement a transparent, modern and standardised permitting process for all energy projects that cross US borders.


Greco said, ‘one of the biggest threats to our current energy revolution is government imposed roadblocks to building infrastructure. The Keystone XL review debacle is a prime example of bureaucratic red tape stifling a promising project that would create thousands of jobs and enhance our energy security.

‘As our North American energy production grows, building the infrastructure to move these supplies to consumers is vital because Americans depend on stable, affordable energy to fuel their daily lives

‘The US should have a robust and consistent oversight process for all energy infrastructure projects, but the process should be fair and balanced. We need to reduce regulatory burdens on the private sector to stimulate investment in our new energy reality. Americans need energy policies that will create jobs, power our economy, and lower prices for consumers.’

Adapted from press release by Claira Lloyd


US energy independence in 15 years?

A survey from KPMG has revealed that energy executives believe the US can achieve energy independence within 15 years.

FERC approves Cameron LNG export project

The FERC has granted approval for Cameron LNG to construct LNG liquefaction facilities and export natural gas from its import terminal in Louisiana.