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Safety saves: Part 1


World Pipelines,

Over the years, safety and health requirements have been standardised through numerous legislations. Equipment safety has shown massive growth in technique and solutions and the developments have kept manufacturers on top of the subject in designing and building equipment. Maats and Liebherr have always had safety high on their priority list. As a result, they occupy a leading position regarding inventive safety solutions and providing a comprehensive understanding of the added value of equipment safety. Providing a safe working environment will always be the main goal of safety measures, but the integration and optimisation of equipment safety presents clear benefits that go far beyond assuring the well being of operators and surrounding personnel.

Safety solutions

Maats and Liebherr have optimised equipment safety over the years through extensive research and development of new solutions. Numerous safety features and systems are specially developed and refined to assure safety during operation. Obvious primary safety features on Maats and Liebherr machines include the emergency stop, safety lever, ROPS/FOPS cabin, free fall device, load monitoring system and the logically situated safety steps and handles. In addition, less obvious ingenious safety concepts are perfectly integrated in the machine layout. For instance, the boom with the hydraulic cylinder on the pipe layers is one of the ‘hidden’ features that contributes to machine safety.

Another important safety aspect is incorporated in the technical layout of the machines. Through highly economical and reliable wear-free systems and by using high quality materials, risks of accidents due to breakage or technical failure are minimised, adding to the reliability and operational safety of the equipment.

Also incorporated in the machine layout are the ROPS cabin and the safe and efficient operating elements. The safety value of the enclosed cabin includes the 4point ROPS-structure as well as protection from weather, dust, noise and vibrations. By locating all operating elements in one place, the operator is provided with the safety and comfort of commanding all machine movements from one place.

As the level of quality with which the machine is maintained is important to operational safety, the technical layout is optimised for maintenance. Maintaining the machine to the best possible level is the only way of assuring that all safety and reliability intended measures will optimally function. To allow thorough, safe and quick performance of all daily check-routines and other maintenance tasks, the technical layout is kept straight forward, low maintenance and wear-free. All maintenance points are guarded or enclosed for safe and quick reach, keeping maintenance easy.

With all safety features combined, Maats and Liebherr aim to provide the safest environment in all operating conditions. By securing safety and ease of operation and maintenance, the risk of accidents is highly reduced and circumstances are created in which all activities can be performed with the highest possible efficiency.

Safety incorporated

Maats and Liebherr equipment is known for its high quality and reliability, two themes that automatically go hand in hand with safety. A significant part of the ingenious safety concept of Maats and Liebherr machines starts early on in the design phase.

Along with optimising the technical layout of the machine, adequate safety factors are incorporated into the calculations and high quality materials are used in the design. The use of Liebherr components is beneficial for both safety and economy. The high quality Liebherr components have long service lives and can be optimally integrated in the system. This perfect match in operation provides maximum technical reliability. Safety is optimised by minimising the risk of technical failure and, by effectively reducing downtime and maintenance costs, economy is increased.

Putting special care into the design and regarding operating conditions further eliminates the risk of accidents and technical difficulties. Risks caused by external influences are eliminated by optimising the layout, incorporating specially selected materials and using special components throughout the design.This allows the machine to be safely operated and remain fully operational, even under difficult circumstances.

By incorporating safety as a key element throughout the entire design process, quality and efficiency is guaranteed and a highly important value is added to both operational safety and economy.

Written by Lycke Koersen, Maats, the Netherlands, and edited by Hannah Priestley-Eaton

To read the full version of the article, please download a copy of August issue of World Pipelines


Safety saves: Part 2

Lycke Koersen discusses how the benefits of equipment safety stretch from safe operation to economical savings.