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Special reports

Ensuring secure access to the right data

Morgan Bowling, Seeq Corporation, USA, explains how advanced analytics solutions can help improve operational efficiency and increase business value for petrochemical companies, refineries, and pipeline operators.


Setting new standards for epoxy coatings

Glen Grundberg, General Manager of Denso North America Inc., Canada (a member of Winn & Coales International Ltd), explains the rigorous training and certification process for liquid epoxy coatings in Canada.


CO2 systems, studies and solutions

Alessandro Terenzi, Giorgio Arcangeletti, Enrico Bonato, Elvira Aloigi, Lorenzo Maggiore, and Annalisa Di Felice, Saipem S.p.A., offer an overview of the challenges and opportunities for CO2 pipelines in the energy transition, drawing on offshore and onshore case studies.


Decouplers making a difference

Jay Warner, Dairyland Electrical Industries, USA, Jerzy Sibila and Jerzy Mossakowski, CORRSTOP, Poland, explain how AC mitigation is a proven technique to solve AC interference problems on pipelines, referring specifically to the use of DC decouplers.



Evaluation of growing corrosion

Fadillah Syahputra, Zugao Chen and Tim Zhang, Deyuan Pipeline Technology Co., Ltd, China, describe detecting internal corrosion defects through eddy current inline inspection technology across China’s W shale gas field pipelines.


Unveiling the blind spot

Paul Stockwell, Managing Director, Process Vision, describes how current standards fail to detect liquid carryover in gas processing.


Not just another weld

The challenges of in-service welding (ISW) operations on a high-pressure, high-flow, large diameter gas pipeline are outlined by Frede Maxwell, Brian Anderson, Paul Gonzales, Darren Sutherland, Bie Cornell and Dave Albertson, WeldFit.

More Special reports news

Raising the bar for onshore pipelines

Jeff Shorter, Portfolio Director, Eugene Boakye-Firempong, Product Manager and Ronald Panti, Operations Manager, Baker Hughes, detail the benefits of RTP pipe performance for onshore oil and gas pipelines, referring to improved corrosion resistance, rapid deployment, low maintenance, and a smaller carbon footprint.

Covering a lot of ground

World Pipelines asks UAVOS, USA, about automated scanning and area surveying solutions for pipeline construction.

International Women’s Day Q&A: Heather Butler

World Pipelines talks to Heather Butler, Service Line Manger – Geophysics, Fugro, about her experience as a woman in the engineering industry, as part of the 2024 initiative ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

International Women’s Day Q&A: Somaieh Salehpour

World Pipelines interviews Somaieh Salehpour, Vice President of Technology and Marketing, Seal For Life Industries, about her experience of being a women in the pipeline and technology sector.

International Women’s Day Q&A: Rana Alnasir-Boulos

World Pipelines asks Rana Alnasir-Boulos, Chairperson of the Global Women Forum, about her experience as a woman in the industry as part of this year’s International Women’s Day theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’.

Transition trends in hydrogen

Steve Biagiotti, Jr. P.E., Chief Engineer and Gary P. Yoho, P.E., Principal Consultant, Dynamic Risk, discuss the evolution of hydrogen adoption in the pipeline industry and the role it will play in reaching global net-zero goals.