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Ensuring secure access to the right data

Morgan Bowling, Seeq Corporation, USA, explains how advanced analytics solutions can help improve operational efficiency and increase business value for petrochemical companies, refineries, and pipeline operators.

Fluxys appointed Belgium's 'hydrogen network operator'

A specially formed subsidiary of gas pipeline operator Fluxys has been appointed Belgium’s “hydrogen network operator”, putting it in charge of building out and operating an H2 pipeline grid in the country.

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Setting new standards for epoxy coatings

Glen Grundberg, General Manager of Denso North America Inc., Canada (a member of Winn & Coales International Ltd), explains the rigorous training and certification process for liquid epoxy coatings in Canada.


CO2 systems, studies and solutions

Alessandro Terenzi, Giorgio Arcangeletti, Enrico Bonato, Elvira Aloigi, Lorenzo Maggiore, and Annalisa Di Felice, Saipem S.p.A., offer an overview of the challenges and opportunities for CO2 pipelines in the energy transition, drawing on offshore and onshore case studies.


Decouplers making a difference

Jay Warner, Dairyland Electrical Industries, USA, Jerzy Sibila and Jerzy Mossakowski, CORRSTOP, Poland, explain how AC mitigation is a proven technique to solve AC interference problems on pipelines, referring specifically to the use of DC decouplers.